Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and suicide are becoming increasingly common in Australia, particularly in rural areas.

David is a firm believer in dealing with these issues before they can stop you from living the life that you want to live. He has previously worked as a Mental Health Doctor at Flinders Medical Centre and has completed Level 2 Mental Health Skills Training for General Practitioners. This means he is accredited to help you with psychoanalysis and therapy and can create a Mental Health Care Plan to refer you for subsidised visits to a psychologist.

David is an advocate for mental health awareness in rural and remote Australia and has presented at the 2019 TheMHS (The National Mental Health Services) National Conference. He has also recently been appointed to the GP Advisory Board at Black Dog Institute.

If you are dealing with low mood, anxious mood, anger, poor sleep or suicidal thoughts, don’t hesitate to book in with David for a consultation or call 131465 (South Australian Mental Health Triage) if in an emergency.
